While we were still in Nebraska, Mzee had taken two different swim classes. One as a baby, and one again the summer of 2007. He did well in both classes and generally loved the water. Don found a Y in the next town over offering swimming classes, so we enrolled Mzee again to keep up his skills. The pictures here are of the first day of swimming class. He did well learning to use the "marshmallow stick" that allows them to float and kick in the water. As I am writing this post in the past, I will note that I attended the final swim class with him as a makeup since we would miss the last class during our summer vacation to Iowa. I am happy to report that he passed on from Pike I to Pike II and was the only child in his class to pass. It was great to see him jump off the diving board on that day of the last class!!

After class, Milan enjoyed playing basketball in the gym, since she was not enrolled in swimming classes at this time.

We decided to set up the swimming pool that Grandma and Grandpa bought on their visit. I set it up during their nap and unfortunately, they weren't in it long this day before a storm moved in and we had to cut the swimming fun short!

Milan pouring with her watering can. She really enjoyed herself as you can see by her expression.

It was all fun until her brother poured water on her...she was not amused!

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