Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Birthday Party

Today we went to a birthday for one of our friends little boys. He turned three. It was in the town next to ours in the backyard of another friends house. They had a sprinkler for the kids to play in and lots of other things for the kids to do including a basketball court in the backyard and Mzee tried his talents riding a scooter for the first time. Milan wasn't to sure about the sprinkler at first, but then warmed up to the idea, for about a minute!

Milan not too sure about this sprinkler idea...

OK, not as bad as I thought...

OK, on second thought, not that fun after all!!! Get me outta here!

Daddy to the rescue, and trying stay dry in the process

Mzee enjoying himself in the water, I think he is definitely up to something...

Milan, preferring to watch from the safety of Daddy's lap

Now I am more sprinkler!

Did somebody say cake??

Don enjoying himself at the party

Daddy time

The weather was a bit dicey but it never did give us the downpour it could have. I also learned to play Sequence, which I don't think I've played before, and it was a lot of fun! All in all a great day!

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