Friday, March 7, 2008

I Got Him!

Milan said her first full sentence today..."I got him!" She and Mzee were having a blast playing a make shift game of tag and she went after Mzee then came back to Don and said, "I got him." Don and I were quite surprised by this as she doesn't say too many two word phrases yet, but it was adorable, especially given the context!

She is settling in beautifully to her new daycare, as her teachers report. The last three days there have been no tears when we've left in the morning. The teacher usually has an activity for her to do when we get there and today she went right up to the table and pulled out her chair to sit down and wait for the teacher to bring her something.

Don has had several interviews over the last week or so, so send positive thoughts our way that he'll get an offer soon!

Mzee is having a great week! His class took a walk to the big town playground today and played for a while as it was a nice day. After all that exercise he told the teacher he was hungry, ate like a champ and then didn't even take a nap.

The bombing in New York did not affect us, so we are thankful that it wasn't any worse than it was.

One humorous item I've been forgetting to post is about Milan. She is very attached to Grandpa and without him here, she sometimes will see a man with a beard and say "grandpa." Well, when Fidel Castro stepped down, Don was watching tv and she noticed Fidel's picture on the TV and pointed and said "grandpa!"

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