As for other news, we had a very busy weekend. Saturday morning we went to the town Easter Egg Hunt and Mzee got a few eggs and also had his picture taken with the Easter Bunny after a little encouraging. Milan would not go near the bunny so we didn't even try. It was a bit chilly, but the kids had fun.
After basketball, we loaded up the car and headed to Pennsylvania. Don's cousin's little girl turned three on Saturday and they had a great party for her. They had a bouncy castle in the backyard and there were lots of kids, lots of Kenyan food, and lots of fun! The kids had a great time! Milan spent most of the night going up and down the stairs. Going down the stairs on her own is a new skill she's learned since being at her new daycare. However, she requires supervision, so Don and I split our time watching her and socializing.
There was one casualty in the night...Mzee lost his beloved space shuttle. Don and I both subconsciously at some point in the night realized he had it and that we should take it and put it with our things...cardinal rule of toys, don't take them somewhere unless you are sure you can live without them coming back home. Of course, in the hustle and bustle of the party, neither of us acted on these thoughts, and at the end of the night the space shuttle was nowhere to be found. Mzee is handling it pretty well, but he has already planned to take it on the airplane with him this week. So, we may need to track a new one down on short order.
Mzee and I had a marathon shopping trip yesterday, getting a couple of things we needed that were on sale, and buying groceries and other general errands. Mzee asked, "Mom, is this a mission?" (i.e. Mission to Mars) I said yes, and so we were on a mission to complete all of our errands, and we did and even got home in time to make dinner. Not bad considering we left in the late afternoon!
Today Mzee's class made Irish Soda Bread for St. Patrick's day. Tonight we made a tent out of chairs and an old sheet and it has been a big hit for both kids! The idea for the tent started yesterday when on a cartoon Mzee was watching they moved their tent indoors because it rained. This reminded me of the tents I used to build as a kid with my cousin Audrey and my Aunt Judi, so I told him we could make our own tent. Of course, we didn't have time right then and after nap we had to go shopping so we were to do it after dinner. However, being bath night, we both forgot. This morning when Mzee came down for breakfast, his first words to me, after flashing his gorgeous smile, were "But, Mommy, when are we going to make that tent!" So, tonight we did and he was having a blast! Milan loved it as well and they played in it for quite some time.
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