Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our New Routine

Don is now working at Cornell University's Weill-Cornell Medical College as a Project Manager in their IT department doing work very similar to the work he did at Creighton. He is finding the work very challenging and is enjoying it.

His new job caused us to get into a bit of a new routine, as we now coordinate getting all four of us to daycare and the train, without a car. The parking situation near the train in our town is very overcrowded and there is something like a four year wait list to get a permit to park at the train station. So, we either take the bus and/or walk a lot. Most mornings we try to have Don and Mzee ride the bus and I will push Milan in the stroller. It is just about a mile to the daycare/train station, so this is a nice walk. By pushing Milan in the stroller, I then have the stroller there so I can push both kids home at the end of the day as I usually leave work earlier than Don. I get plenty of extra walking in this way, and given the price of gas, this works out just fine. However, on really crazy days (usually Mondays), Don will drop the kids and I off with the car, and drive back home and take the bus to the train. It is nice to have this fallback plan when we need it.

The kids are doing well. Milan is now consistently using two word phrases and some three word phrases. "No, Mommy!" is one of her favorites. She and her brother are playing together a lot now, and also trying to boss each other around from time to time. Milan gets very excited about a lot of things. She had to go to the doctor last week for an ear recheck (they were fine) and now often says, "Dr. Khan, ears" I guess it really made an impression on her.

Mzee is doing great. He's spent a great deal of time studying colors and rainbows at school.

Tonight when reading a new space book we have, he asked me, "Mommy, are you driving?" When I said no he asked, "Then how is the earth rotating around the sun?"

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