Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas came Early

Well, it's been a whirlwind of a week! I've been very busy since I moved into our new house last week. I was happy to find that we aren't too far from a Target store. I tried one grocery store last weekend and was not impressed. However, today I ventured farther down the street that Target is on and found a great grocery store that will now be my regular store. The sales seemed great and the prices often are very close to what I paid in Omaha on some items...others are more expensive.

The big news is that the moving truck delivered our shipment yesterday, so I've been VERY busy unpacking boxes. The boxes never seem to end. I've made great progress though. The kids rooms are all set up and our bedroom is finally ready tonight. We had to buy a split queen box spring as our box spring wouldn't go up the stairs. Luckily mattresses bend! There is a great mattress store here that can do same day delivery. I was there when the opened today and had my mattress by 5:00 pm. Not to bad. So, tonight I can sleep in my own bed.

The house isn't empty at all anymore, in fact it's quite full. I've got most of the main floor unpacked, and the remaining boxes are all in the basement for the office, and the boxes of things that were in storage in our old house. So, not too bad. It's been like Christmas with each box I've opened. While the boxes are well labeled on the outside, some boxes have each item inside wrapped in packing paper, so as I unwrap each item, it is a surprise, since I haven't been at home for so long and many of our items were packed up long ago when we first put the house on the market.

I am missing Don and the kids now more than ever. Especially when I unpacked the toys....and Don's computer! They will sit untouched until next weekend when we will all be here together!

News from the Midwest, well it appears Milan has a bit of a stomach bug. She's been sick most of the day and just isn't herself. I hope it is a short-lived illness! I've talked to her on the phone a couple of times this week and she is so puzzled by the fact that she can hear me, but can't see me. Don and Grandma both report that Milan has become "Grandpa's Girl!" She loves to sit on Grandpa's lap and play with him.

As for Mzee, he is loving his little 'vacation' at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Christmas came early for Grandpa, he got a new Bobcat. Lucky for Mzee they've had snow a couple of times this past week, so he gets to go in the Bobcat with Grandpa to help move the snow. As usual, he never wants to come inside, even when the adults are freezing from the cold. Yesterday he and Grandpa went to town to see Great Grandma, and Grandpa took him for a hot fudge sundae. Mzee spilled some on his shirt, to which Grandpa said, "We're busted now!"

I'll have a very busy week trying to get as much packed as possible before I head home to get the kids on Friday. I can't wait to see them and finally bring them here with me!

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