Monday I had a meeting with my manager and he asked me to get involved in three separate initiatives. I've only started work on one of the three and have been very busy the last few days! I am currently working on the current UN talent management system known as Galaxy. It is a home grown system developed at the UN where all applications are routed through among many other things. I've been testing some new workflows and putting into production some things that needed to be there to correspond with an update that is going into the system tonight. The system is very complex and I am learning a lot about it as well as the corresponding recruiting process that is managed within the system. I can tell I will be kept very busy here, which is the kind of job I love. I'll also be getting involved in a Change Request Management system roll-out as well as assisting to create some testing templates, among other things!
Today was the last day for someone in my office who took a job in Geneva. We had a staff meeting with the entire division today and several people have just returned from working in other UN offices around the world and it is great to see the global footprint of the UN!
News from Don is that Mzee can be stubborn and not want to take a shower in the mornings (he's no longer a morning person like he once was). Don and Mzee have been watching baseball playoffs and Mzee likes to mention he's a baseball player, so Don got creative and informed Mzee that "Baseball players have to take showers." Well, as you can imagine, that was just the trick to get Mzee in the shower!
Milan has a bad cold and went to the doctor today. However, she has no fever and otherwise is fine, so had her flu shot while she was there. Mzee gets his flu shot tomorrow!
After a week of commuting daily on the PATH train and then two subways, I've finally figured out, for the most part, my way through the maze of walkways in the subway to make the most efficient use of my time from one train to the next and the best exit to get me to street level where I need to be! The really need a map not just of the subway but of all the stairways and tunnels to navigate on foot below ground!!!
I'm pretty used to the commute now, it doesn't much phase me. I'm also adjusting to the work time here. I had been getting to the office between 8:30 and 9:00 as I often did in Omaha, but found I was usually one of the first ones in. It's not unusual for people here to arrive at work between 9:30 and 10:30. It's much more relaxed in that respect. Of course, people tend to work later in the evening. I've decided that people at the UN at least pretty much work the same hours as Omaha, not taking into account the time zone!
Every night on my way home there are different musicians in the subway tunnels and they are usually very good! It's a great energy boost when you are dragging at the end of the day!
I had originally planned to fly home this weekend to see Don and the kids, but it looks like house hunting is more critical at this point. I am determined to find a place this weekend and am making plans to fly home next weekend to see the family! I miss them so much!! It is so quiet here....not counting the sirens and street noise of course! :o)